Compositor de It´s Over, hit de Natalia Damini, lança single POP

Home / Destaques da Semana / Compositor de It´s Over, hit de Natalia Damini, lança single POP

O compositor Bruno Bessa, responsável pelo hit It´s Over na voz de Natalia Damini, lançou seu primeiro projeto de música pop. A track “Innocent Lies” foi apresentada no YOUTUBE e com direto a videoclipe com direção assinada pelo cantor. Com sonoridade pop fusionada à elementos eletrônicos, a faixa conta uma história de superação, um jovem tímido e sem amigos, que ao crescer enxerga um passado triste, porém superado.
Innocent Lies promete figurar na programação das principais emissoras de música eletrônica e repetir os sucessos do compositor nas vozes de outros interpretes. Além de cantor, Bruno Bessa atua como diretor de video e imagem, dirigiu os clipes “There is No Other Way”, do cantor Andie e It´s Over da dupla Altar em parceria com Natalia Damini.
Assista ao clipe:

(Music and Lyrics by Bruno Bessa)

Once I met a silly boy
Ordinary as could be
But not so ordinary
If you looked more carefully
The kid was smarter than the others
It was not hard to get it
But he’s never been his mother’s dream
He was too shy too admit it
He never had too many friends
He didn’t handle it so well
It was not cool, the kids from school
Just made his life a hell
He felt so different when he was
In his own world of his room
Where he could shine, sing lullabies
Or just fly to the moon
So wrong, he suffered alone
No one could see behind his smiling face
Stuck on this circle of innocent lies
That’s where he could hide
He had to hold on, insisting on his own denials
So he could feel human
He had to move on, resisting a gazillion miles
So he could be like the others
The boy has grown and he has thrown
His past down the drain
But sometimes he still sheds a tear
When he recalls the pain
But he’s not weak, not such a freak
His feet are on the ground
Although he feels his future is lost
Somewhere to be found
So wrong, he bears it alone
Different problems, or maybe just the same
Stuck on his circle of innocent lies
Just trying to hide
He has to hold on, insisting on his own denials
So he can feel human
He has to move on, resisting a gazillion miles
So he can be like the others
But he can’t fool himself by saying it’s OK
Deep inside he knows he’s still afraid
Will anyone hear when he cries for help?
Or will he be forgotten like an old book on the shelf?